Hillary Clinton and Keith Lee - What do they have in common?


I wrote this article a while ago, but it is still very relevant.

When it comes to politics, Hilary and I have almost nothing in common.  When it comes to being knocked for a loop with a concussion, a LOT.

When I first heard that Clinton could not testify about the Benghazi attack because of a concussion, I thought, “How convenient.”  Today I’m still not sure if it was a convenient excuse or not, but I can say, a concussion can throw you for a loop.

News reports say it was six months before Clinton was fully recovered from her concussion. My concussion occurred about 4 months ago and I’m almost fully recovered.  Sometimes when I’m tired and working on something that takes some thinking I just call it quits.

I suffered a severe concussion on March 1 while on a ski trip at our Montana house.  This was the second major concussion I’ve had in 5 years.  The previous one knocked me out of my “mental saddle” for about 4 months.  But what’s great is that because of the systems we have, I was barely missed at work either time.  These are the Make You Happy Management Systems you should be implementing in your business right now.  With the Management System everything you do in your business should be documented, all of the duties should continue to improve, and YOU should not be needed for any day-to-day, or even week-to-week duties.

Discover how you get your business to improve even when you’re not there.  Get my hardcopy book (not an e-book), How to Control Your Business and your Life, Proven Secrets to Creating Highly Productive Teams at www.HowToControlYourBusiness.com.  Your cost is $2.97 and that includes shipping and handling.

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