A story from a Customer Service Fanatic…

Often when I speak to a crowd, I ask people in the audience how often they get “Who’s the Boss” Customer Service” (See secret #40 in my book – The Happy Customer Handbook)  It’s the kind of customer service that shows they really understand that “you, the customer, are the boss.”

When I ask, “How many of you get that kind of customer service most of the time?”  No hands go up.  When I say, “Half of the time,” a few hands go up.  When I say “25% of the time,” most hands go up.

Frankly, I’m surprised that people say they get “Who’s the Boss” customer service 25% of the time, because for me it’s more like 10% of the time.  I think it’s because I’ve harped on exceptional customer service so long that maybe I have gotten a bit jaded.  Maybe my expectations of exceptional customer service have gone beyond what’s likely to happen.  Well, I do get it 10% of the time so I know it’s possible so I’m going to stay where I am.  I’m going to stay with my fanatical approach to exceptional customer service.

But I need to warn you…

When you get to the point where I am, you’re likely to be grumpy more often, because you’ll go into places wanting and expecting exceptional customer service, and you’re not going to get it.  Like today, when I went to lunch.  Most of the time when I go shopping or to a restaurant, I’ll say something to the clerk whether the clerk says anything or not.  But every once in a while, because I’m a customer service fanatic and a guy who writes customer service newsletters and gives customer service advice, I don’t say anything.  I want see what their customer service is like if I don’t saying anything.  I’m absolutely amazed at how often the clerk on the other side of the counter says absolutely nothing.

When I went to restaurant today, I did my little test and planned to not say anything until the clerk did.  The clerk came to the register and looked at me – no smile – not a word.  She just came to the register and looked at me.

I gave her my order, she told me the price – I gave her my money – she gave me my change – and said nothing.  In the entire process the only word that was spoken by the clerk was the price of the meal.  No greeting, no thank you… nothing – just the price.

While you may be Grumpy more often when you become a Make-You-Happy Customer Service Fanatic, it will also put a smile on your face when you realize how crummy most service is.   You’ll smile as you realize that the more people get crummy customer service, the easier it is for you to give what is perceived as Exceptional Customer Service!

You can get my hardcopy book (not an e-book), The Happy Customer Handbook, 59 Secrets to Creating Happy Customers Who Come Back Time and Time Again and Enthusiastically Tell Others About You at www.TheHappyCustomerHandbook.com.  Your cost is $2.97 and that includes shipping and handling.

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