We are delighted here at Keith Lee Business Systems to work with Lee Milteer, a productivity and human potential expert with whom I’ve had the privilege of knowing for many, many years. Members of my Live Your Bucket List NOW Insider Circle receive reports from Lee and her faculty, as well as a Celebrity Guest interview audio every month as part of their membership.

Lee has been a huge inspiration for me as well as thousands of other business professionals and entrepreneurs.

You can find out more about her at www.Milteer.com

Remember when you were a kid and you used to dream about a time that you would be in charge of your destiny and nothing could stop you from being exactly what you wanted to be?

Now as an adult, you have the authority you wished for as a child, but things aren’t going the way you had planned.  Does your life seem to be all work and no play? Do you feel uneasy about your future? Do you ever start to doubt yourself? Do you get stuck wanting to move ahead in life but aren’t sure if now is the right time, or you aren’t exactly sure how to proceed? Have you been waiting for the right time to do something and are now realizing there is never a perfect time?

Childhood Woes

From childhood, we’ve been taught to do what authority figures told us to do. We have been programmed that other people are smarter, wiser, and have more experience. We’ve been warned about the disastrous results that might happen if the rules aren’t followed. The bottom line is that we’ve been taught to give our power away and not trust our own judgment or truly believe in ourselves.

Perhaps you’ve forgotten your power to listen to the deepest part of yourself – your real needs, your desires, your gut instincts – and you’ve begun to make choices that are no longer satisfying. The good news is that your point of power is this minute in time. It’s the decisions you will make and act on from this day forward that will determine your destiny.

This month I am going to give you some new perspectives, motivation, and strategies for taking action so you can take back your true power and start Believing in Yourself and abilities again.

You Program YOUR Future

One of the first things you must do is start to be aware of how YOU are programming your future. How are you labeling yourself? Are you programming yourself to fail and allowing past habits and events rule your future?

The way you label yourself and think about yourself with yourself talk will determine how you make good decisions about critical issues in business.

We all have unproductive behaviors or habits that keep us from using our potential effectively. If your self-talk reinforces those unproductive behaviors or habits you are actually programming those unproductive behaviors to be more powerful and harder to get rid of in your life and self-image.

By Lee Milteer, Author, Speaker, Coach, Publisher, TV Personality

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