Here is what’s critically important:

You will take control of your business and your life when you create systems to run, and this is critical, and improve your business with or without you.  Not only create the systems to run your business but create systems that run and even improve your business when you’re not even there.


“All wealth is based on systems” – Dan Kennedy

“Let systems run the business and people run the systems.  People come and go, but systems remain constant” – Michael Gerber, The E-Myth

“For the business owner, systems set you free” – Keith Lee


Those are the three main reasons why you need to implement systems in your business. Dan Kennedy actually used me as a guest author in one of his articles at Click here to read the article and learn more about X, Y and Z theory management and how it impacts your systems.


 A system is simply a documented way to do something.  


You will control your business and your life when you create systems to run and improve your business with or without you.  This is really important, the whole thing about not only run, but run and improve your business with or without you.

And systems need not be complicated.  Don’t get bent out of shape at the word, “system.”

A system is simply a documented way to do something.  Repeat this.  “A system is simply a documented way to do something.”  Say it aloud.  Not nearly as threatening as you thought, right?  Because that’s all it is.


Let’s take a look at a system that you may experience every day.

Customer Service 3

Imagine you’re walking into a Starbucks.  You hear the clamor of voices talking, taking orders, and making pleasantries.  You hear the coffee machine steaming drinks and maybe even the whizzing sound of a blender.  Today it’s cold out so you opt for a hot chocolate.  A decadent little piece of chocolaty heaven.  The cashier takes your order, writes it on a cup, and hands it to the barista making drinks.  A short while later you have your drink.  It tastes just the same as the last one you had and it tastes exactly the same as the next one you’ll have on a different day.  How is that?



 You know what to expect because of this system.


Every drink prepared at Starbucks is made perfectly each and every time due to a system.  They have very specific directions with very specific ingredients that make your favorite drink taste the same every time you order it.  You know what to expect because of this system – not too chocolaty, not too hot, and always consistent.  Without that system the quality and consistency of your drink is a total crap-shoot.

Except for a few trial and error recipes, how hard do you think it was to create that system?  And what about getting ALL baristas in ALL Starbucks locations to implement that system?  Not very hard.  That drink will taste the same whether Debbie in Seattle working the early morning shift makes it or Thomas in New York working the evening shift, and everyone in between.  Because of this system you know what to expect and you get it, each and every time.  That’s as complicated as systems get.

Now, they may get longer than that, but simply write down the way you do everything.  Management gurus want you to think that systems are complicated and you need outside people with a clear perspective and you can’t do it yourself.  That is absolute hogwash!  You can do it with your team and that’s all you need.


Systems and Empowerment is a component of the Make You Happy Management System. Watch the video below below to find out more about different management system strategies, and what makes the Make-You-Happy Management System so effective.

(Short video explaining X, Y and Z Theory Management)