One of the things that I’ve added to my “Live Your Bucket List Now” presentation is to make sure you have items on your bucket list that require you to stay in shape as you get older. That way, instead of working out and eat right just to stay in shape you’ve eating right and working out to LIVE YOUR BUCKET LIST
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If you have items on your Bucket List that require you to stay in shape you won’t be working out and watching what you eat to just stay in shape, you’ll be doing those things to Live Your Bucket List.
My bucket list included back country skiing with my daughter Jenny. That’s where you hike up the mountain and ski down. I’ve skied to 49 years and I’ll continue to ride the chair lift and ski in bounds, but AT skiing looked pretty darned awesome.
So, about a year ago I checked, “Become an AT skier” off my Bucket List by taking a 3-day avalanche class with Jenny.
They say a picture say a thousand words, so I’ll share some with you as I go
The Make-You-Happy Management System is about YOU
Living Your Bucket List Now… are you!
I took a 3-day avalanche training class with my daughter Jenny. In the class we learned how to be safe in the back country and how to find someone should they become buried in an avalanche. After the class I’m confident that I can travel in the back-country safely and have a great time skiing.
Jenny’s friend Christy joined Jenny and me in the class.
Day 1
We drove up a windy private dirt road to about the 4,000 foot level of Downing Mountain outside of Hamilton Montana. From there we skinned up the road to Downing Mountain Lodge at 5,500 feet. (Skinning – You attach a synthetic ‘skin’ to the bottom of your skies so you can walk up the mountain without sliding back).
We didn’t know what to expect for accommodations but it turned out great.
We got our gear settled in and started our first classroom session. We learned how to use our rescue beacons to find someone buried in the snow. About 2pm we went outside, skinned up about 1,000 feet and practiced finding buried beacons. As the sun was setting we skied back to the lodge, had dinner (great lasagna) and another class room session. We started learning how to read the terrain, weather, and other things so we could have fun and STAY OUT OF AN AVALANCHE.
Day 2
Got up, had a great breakfast and another classroom session. Then it was time to head up the mountain, learn how to read the terrain, snow pack weather, dig our avalanche pit, test the snow and ski!
We skinned from 5,500 feet to the summit of Downing Mountain at 8,000 feet. Oh my GOD! I don’t know if Jenny keeps me young or not, but I was sucking air and feeling every bit of my 61 years.
But… I felt absolutely incredible as I ate lunch with Jenny at the summit. Here I am with Jenny eating lunch at 8,000 feet. I’m the black blob leaning on the tree to the left of Jenny.
Here is most of the group getting ready to ski down and dig our avalanche pits to test the snow.
Jenny – Taking a measurement in our pit.
After a great run down to the lodge, it was time for a little relaxation, and a shot-ski. Get it, doing shots with holes drilled into the ski to hold the shot glasses. Daddy-daughter bonding at its best.
Day 3
This was our (the students) day to plan the ascent and the path to ski down. The previous day got us to the summit quickly and safely so we decided to take the same route up. On day two we skied down the same way we went up. Today, we wanted to see if we could safely ski the huge bowl to the south of our ascent line.
Our plan was to test the snow at the top near the bowl and if it was as stable as day 2, or better, we would go to bowl, measure the inclination of the slope, and if it was 35 degrees or less, we would ski down that way.
We found that the snow was actually more stable than the previous day and the slope was about 30 degrees. So YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!
Remember, one of the main reasons to implement the Make-You-Happy Management System is so you can Live Your Bucket List NOW!
Follow this link to discover how you can Live Your Bucket List Now
You can get my hardcopy book (not an e-book), How to Control Your Business and your Life, Proven Secrets to Creating Highly Productive Teams at www.HowToControlYourBusiness.com. Your cost is $2.97 and that includes shipping and handling.
“Do What You Do So Well
That People Can’t Help Telling Others About You”
Keith Lee